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Stories about Lisa

If you have a story that you would like to share,

please send it to us via our "contact" page.
Photos with stories are welcome!



Elly Cyr

   It still hurts so intensely to not be able to see or speak with Lisa (lately it was often through Facebook or Messenger because of her hearing loss) even though it has been several months. Lisa and I met as Freshman at Hamilton and bonded quickly.

   Over the years she became like a sister to me and I like the sister she never had. Sharing stories and sharing experiences as our daughters grew up and hearing about my son as well. I will always cherish the last time I saw Lisa and Fred before during our 35th Hamilton Reunion in June of 2016. I arrived a few days early, spending the days exploring Old Orchard Beach and Portland. Visiting with Fred at night before driving out to Hamilton together for a very fun reunion, where Lisa received the Hamilton Bellringer Award for all the work she put into reconnecting our class, those who were there when we were, through our class Facebook page. Until I see you again, dear Lisa!



Linda Gibbs

I miss Alyssa so much. We became friends on Facebook, and had many good laughs over the ridiculousness of Jell-O moulds. Now and then I stumble across one of her comments on Facebook, and I feel great sense of loss. We had talked many times of meeting in person one day. Her wit, her intelligence, and her friendship are sorely missed. To her family, I wish you all comfort in your memories of Alyssa. She was a truly great lady. If there will be a service in Cooperstown, please let me know. Love from Linda Gibbs xx


Sue Mings

I spent only a few hours with Lisa, one summer day in 2017. With our mutual friend Liz, in Portland Maine. Who said I'd love Lisa, and i did. We 3 had a lovely afternoon in the sun, conversing over cups of tea. She felt like an old friend, already. We kept up our acquaintanceship on Facebook, where I came to appreciate her optimism, wit, and steady friendly presence. She also expanded my vocabulary! I still look at the word of the day and remember her. And tho I knew her just this little, she added sunshine to my life and I miss her. My heart goes out to those most near and dear. You were blessed, and how hard it must be now. Thank you for sharing her life, and passing. With much love, --Sue


Joannie Cahill

I was friends with Alyssa through FB, however, I never met her personally (the only person I friended that I did not know personally). We thought so much a like and were close in age. I so appreciated her insight and the way she asked others what they thought (even if she knew she would not agree). I can't imagine how much you must miss her ... She loved politics, so I'm bringing this up, but another CA friend and I were talking after the debate the other night about how much we missed her, as there would be so much she had to say. I'm guessing she is working closely with RBG to right things in 2020. Sarah and Fred, Alyssa was a unique person and brought so much joy to so many even if she had not met them. My thoughts are with you both and hope time will soften the loneliness and sweeten the memories. I'm keeping you both in my thoughts. Thank you for a beautiful tribute to her.


Stew Stryker

I appreciated Lisa so much for organizing our Hamilton class of ‘81 on Facebook. She brought us and kept us together to support each other and our college. I also loved that she was fearless in her devotion to democracy. We will all miss her terribly. I can't imagine how much those who knew her better are dealing with losing her. Peace to you


Elizabeth Diane Hoffman

Dear Fred, Sarah, & the family & friends of Alyssa,
Alyssa was a dear sweet friend from our time together at Kirkland College, & thanks to Facebook, we were able to reconnect. She struggled with her maladies with courage and patience. She was ever the consummate role model from her engagement with challenging intellectual subjects to her love and tenderness towards animals. She will be greatly missed. May she Rest In Peace and rise in glory.

Love, Elizabeth

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Background Photo: Christmas lights on the deck (December 2014)

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