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About Alyssa...

    Alyssa, known as a child by friends and family as "Lisa", was born in Passaic, NJ on January 16th, 1959 to James Bernard Ross and Barbara Mazcko Ross. Their only girl and the oldest of 6 children, Lisa was born with a heart murmur and almost complete loss of hearing in her left ear, with minimal loss in her right ear. These issues developed in response to a case of German Measles her mother had contracted while carrying Lisa to term. As a result, she learned to read lips in her youth before finally receiving the added benefit of hearing aids in her 20s.

   The Ross family grew up in Monmouth Beach and Rumson NJ, later on moving to Cooperstown NY. As the oldest sibling, Lisa would welcome 5 younger brothers in her life, Jimmy, Jonathan, Duffy, Sam and Justin, listed from oldest to youngest. She loved her brothers, even through the many disagreements or fights, from childhood to adulthood. In later years, she would show such love by taking their comfort into consideration when it came to her cottage in Maine. When asked why she needed double beds in the guest bedroom, she would respond with the quip, “My brothers will visit, they need their own beds.”


   Although the family had a number of animals, from a persnickety pony named Apples to a loveable Scruffy dog, her adoration as a child was caught by that of a Siamese cat named Tien. Throughout Lisa’s life, she held a special place in her heart for all cats. 

   Early on in life, she and 3 of her brothers became child models on Madison Ave in the 60s and 70s with extensive print work in national catalogs and magazine photo shoots. Her experiences as a child model brought her to professional work onstage, moving for a time to Ann Arbour, Michigan participating in the first production of “Wedding Band”. Modeling work led to further opportunities in a number of television credits for daytime dramas and commercial advertisements, including episode 909 of Dark Shadows as the Ghost of Carolyn Stoddard.

   Lisa did not wish to further pursue a career in modeling and acting as she grew up. Her avid interest in reading grew and expanded an ever evolving range of subjects she found fascinating. This passion to learn fueled her pursuit for greater knowledge. She went on to attend Saint Timothy’s private boarding school for girls in Stevenson, MD, graduating in the spring of 1977. That following fall she attended Kirkland College, a private liberal arts institute for women in Clinton NY where she would be among the last of the “Kirkland Girls”. Upon completing her freshman year, Kirkland College was absorbed by Hamilton College, the neighboring men’s college. With her newly formed academic home established, she continued her college career as a Hamilton student. 

   Engrossed in her studies, her ambitions to learn were met with fervor. History was her main focus of interest with specific aim towards Eastern European and Russian studies. She studied French and became fluent in her abilities to speak and write the language. Other language interests included Russian and German, however with greater skill towards reading over oral capabilities. Lisa also enjoyed athletics at Hamilton on the women’s Lacrosse and Ice Hockey teams. Further into her academic years, she was able to study abroad while living in Vienna, Austria for 6 months. This allowed her the chance to travel “all over south-eastern Europe, including Turkey”. She cherished the memories of her travels in later years. Upon graduating from Hamilton in 1981, she left with a Bachelors of Art in History and her beloved college cat, Paco.

   Lisa continued to stay in touch with both branches of her academic family, in that of Saint Timothy’s and Hamilton College, maintaining strong relationships as the years advanced with the added aid of online interactions, specifically through FaceBook. Her eager aims in reconnecting with classmates spread further than one might have expected, including those she'd not yet met. With determination in expanding the network of her own graduating classes, Lisa reached beyond and brought together many people into other groups as well. She touched a vast number of people connecting with many across the world.

   Post graduation brought her to Boston, MA where she found a variety of work, including; lumber sales, mutual funds and stock broker endeavors. However, this period of her life in Boston was shorter lived than she'd originally anticipated.


   On December 31st, 1983, she attended a New Years Eve party at her Aunt and Uncle’s home in Hampstead N.H. Here she would peripherally meet the love of her life for the very first time, Frederick Eppich. The following New Years sealed the start of their happily ever after. A love that grew with weekend train trips out of Boston to Haverhill MA, where she would sit at a little mexican restaurant called Pedro Diego's, waiting for Fred to arrive. While sharing chips and salsa, with a few margarita's in between, the two of them made plans to live together.

"She's my little book worm." - Fred

   Soon after, Lisa moved from Boston to Hampstead. During this time, at the age of 27, Fred taught her to drive a car. Previous to living in Hampstead, she'd relied on public transit through an easy network in the city. She traded the "T" subway in Boston for a new Hyundai Excel GLS to get her around town in N.H. This allowed Lisa to commute to Manchester N.H. where she would bring her future stepson Carl to school and attend her job as a product liaison between sales and manufacturing at a tech company. She would later find work closer to home at Stateline Tack, an equine products and supplies retailer in Plaistow, N.H.

   In the Summer of 1988, Fred proposed to Lisa on Lake Otsego in Cooperstown NY. After dining with family one cool evening, Fred pulled Lisa’s father Bernie aside and asked for her hand in marriage. After receiving his blessing, Fred led Lisa aboard the Chief Uncas boat. Plans had been discussed previously with the captain, Lisa’s brother Jon. Once out on the lake, Fred got down on one knee and asked if Lisa would be his wife. Through her joy and happiness, Lisa said yes.

   The following year, on July 2nd 1989, Lisa and Fred wed at Christ Episcopal Church in Cooperstown. They shared their union with hundreds of family and friends, complete with Bagpipe accompaniment. Lisa was beyond proud and happy to be marrying Fred, her love. Photos of their special day capture a glimmer of the love they shared.

   Their honeymoon would take them to an area of the world they truly loved, Maine. It is here they traveled along the Coast. Starting on Hermit Island, a campground that brought continual joy to them and later their daughter, Sarah. After camping for a number of days on the cliff sites overlooking the Atlantic, Fred and Alyssa continued north. Choosing to recuperate among modern accommodations after their camping adventure, they checked into the Lord Camden Inn for a few days.


    Soonafter, they boarded the schooner Mary Day for a week out on the ocean. This expedition would bring them 6 days of happiness as they sailed along the Coast of Maine. Exploring areas between Penobscot bay and Boothbay Harbor, Lisa and Fred would experience a number of islands and coastal towns including; Islesboro, Castine, Vinalhaven, Isle Au Haut, Owls Head, Friendship and Popham beach, returning back to Camden on the 6th day. Before moving to Maine, Fred and Alyssa would continually make an effort to return to the State they loved.

   Less than a year after they married, in April of 1990, Sarah was born. Lisa had always wanted a child, having dreamt of a little girl for years. She would refer to Sarah as her little “Boo-bear".

   Fred, Alyssa and Sarah lived in Hampstead for 14 years. During those years, Alyssa left her job at Stateline Tack and entered into the Special Education field at Hampstead Middle school as an Ed Tech. Her work in the Hampstead School Department allowed for more time with her daughter, especially once she began attending Elementary and Middle school.

"My Scottish Warrior Princess." - Fred

As much as I desire to complete my mother’s biography, at this time in my life, the pain I feel in trying to put to record the life she lived after my birth is too much.

Sharing such memories, composing the images and feelings from my mind to word..... 


“All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.” 

It is my hope, that I can prevent the loss of such moments, by preserving a bit of who she is with this site.

Life without her here seems impossible and hollow, more often than not. However, I treasure that she gave me this gift and will do what I can with it as I look forward.

For both my parents.

​This website will be ever changing. I will add to it, edit it and will someday find further strength to write. 

Blade Runner, Roy Batty, 1982 Film.
(One of my Mother's favorite movies.)
(If you have any suggestions on information that may need enditing, please feel free to reachout by email on the "Contacts" page.)

Background Photo: Lisa's Neighborhood in Old Orchard Beach, Maine (December 2014)

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